Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria
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Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria (PSB), a revolutionary solution to enhance soil phosphorus availability and promote optimal plant nutrition. PSB is a specialized group of beneficial bacteria that excel at converting insoluble forms of phosphorus in the soil into soluble forms that plants can readily absorb.

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Rhizobium, a powerful solution to enhance plant growth and maximize yields in your garden or farm. Rhizobium, you can unlock the full potential of your plants by improving their access to nitrogen, an essential nutrient for healthy growth

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Composting Culture
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Composting Culture, the perfect solution to supercharge your composting process and create nutrient-rich compost for your garden or farm. This specialized blend of beneficial microorganisms and organic matter accelerates the decomposition of organic waste, transforming it into high-quality compost in a shorter time frame.

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Apna Khaad Phosphate Rich Organic Manure (PROM)
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Phosphorus Enriched Organic Manure, a premium solution to enhance soil fertility and promote optimal plant nutrition in your garden or farm. This specially formulated organic manure is enriched with phosphorus, a vital nutrient for plant growth and development.

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